Saturday, February 20, 2010

Life at Random

I’ve been gone…now I’m back. Life just grabs a hold of you and it doesn’t seem to let go. I don’t release my grip on Life either because I don’t want to miss what he has in store for me. I’ve just been consumed with some pretty overwhelming things lately and I’m so mentally exhausted from all of that so I’m going to just list a few significant, some mundane, and mostly arbitrary thoughts. I’ve done the list thing a few times now and I’m doing it again. It’s my blog; I’ll do what I want.

God is love.
Photography is my new favorite hobby.
I really need to build my IKEA bookcase.
New York and Company would go out of business if I didn’t shop there.
My sister Sahra is perfect.
Twenty-three has been a great year.
No, there is no Mr. Darcy, but there is probably someone better right around the corner.
I’m going to Algeria this summer.
Editing is one of my favorite things.
Celebrities are people too. They have problems like the rest of us.
There isn’t enough time for me to read all the books piled up in my room.
My mom is more than amazing, she is astonishing.
I am trying to figure out my love language.
My aloe plant refuses to grow anymore.
Johnna, Ashley D., and Travis are just a few of the best people in my life.
Being a high school LifeGroup leader fills me up.
Friends are family.
I want to share my story.
My brother Malik is so brave.
John Mayer has a messy personal life, but musically, he is a genius.
Crosspointe is a source of inspiration, motivation, and influence.
Tears are great.
Saying” I love shoes” is an understatement.
My dad is an honorable man.
I still laugh every day.