Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Next Play

My life can be summed up in a word. Changing. Everything I do, places I live, people I love; all of that changes. That is only natural. Of course I change my routine. Yes, I have moved. And I just add to the list of people I love. But these changes are not always positive. There is always a challenge. Always some strife. It’s like you are playing offense against a very large, stronger version of your insecurities and you have to figure out if you’re just going to pass the ball and wait for the next play, or if you’re going to charge and attempt to make the basket.

I use to wait for the next play. Watching as moments pass me by and waiting for newer, sometimes easier, opportunities to arrive. That is changing as well. I am not waiting anymore. I am not just watching things pass me by. I am taking a carpe diem approach to life now. Take hold of every opportunity that comes my way. Change has come in many forms in the past few months.

Change in my faith and practices. Change in my home. Change in my relationship with my family. Change in my relationship with my friends. Change in my teaching practices. Some positive, filled with love and grace. Some not so positive, filled with hurt feelings and extra work. But I am trying. I am accepting. I am looking for the silver lining, and normally finding it. Change is hard and messy, often full of emotion (both good and bad). I’m not on the sidelines anymore, but in the thick of this game called change. Only now, I must follow through and charge.