Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Calming Clarity

You know that moment of such profound clarity where everything seems right with the world? That moment where things seems a little easier, a little more palpable. I experienced that this summer. Clarity began, and has lasted, since July 19. The day I became a member of Crosspointe Church I knew something more powerful than myself had taken over. I have been waiting for a moment like this for 23 years, and now, it’s here and it’s always with me. God is such a driving force in my life now. While I was floating in this limbo of Christianity and agnosticism, I was so self-absorbed. How can I make my life better? How can I make myself happy? How can I benefit from this situation, person, job? All first person, all about me.

Since I joined Crosspointe this sense of ease and selflessness came over me. I am beginning to study The Bible now instead of using it as a prop at Christmas and Easter. I am learning to forgive. I’m struggling with not judging. And I mean what I believe. Everything seems better and brighter. Since July 19 I have become a better person. I have more faith, more trust in God, and more trust in others. I am just experiencing a calm I cannot explain. I am still learning and I know that no one has it all figured out.

A family that has really inspired, shaped, and continue to walk with me in this journey are the Hinton’s. Not only are the two younger Hinton’s (Johnna and Travis) two of my best friends, but they are true examples of God’s love and grace. I know that we all struggle, fall and lose our way. I experienced all of these for a while, but now, I’m back on the path. Headed in whatever direction I’m destined to be led. I will not have qualms about the unknown, because I’m giving it up to God.