Friday, October 2, 2009

All Because of You

U2. Indescribable. Their show was one of the most breathtakingly, artistically progressive, astonishing show I have ever seen. I have seen so many musicians perform and been moved by several of them, The Rolling Stones, Fall Out Boy, Civil Twilight, Goo Goo Dolls. However, after last night’s performance none of them come close to that performance.

U2 has been my favorite band since I was 12 years old when my mom gave me her album The Joshua Tree and told me to listen to it. I fell in love with their sound, their lyrics, and them then. I even thought Bono was cute, and I still strongly believe that today. Since then I have bought or downloaded everything U2. I joined the ONE campaign three years ago because of Bono. I bought their book two years ago. I have their music video DVD. I respect U2 as a band not only for their musical genius but for their philanthropic work as well.

For the past few years I kept telling myself that if U2 comes to town then I would go to their show. When I found out they were coming to Raleigh I checked out the tickets, but realized that I couldn’t afford $250 to see my favorite band. They are worth it, but I have to pay my rent too. When Pam offered me a ticket to see my favorite band I knew my dream was going to come true. It was a dream that I was fulfilled last night. You know when you see a really great band live and they inspire you, give you hope? U2 does that for me every time I listen to them but last night watching them I was in awe. It was almost as if I was having an out of body experience throughout the entire show, like I was looking down at myself and just repeating, “I am at a U2 concert.” I know I have no musical talent, but I can admire it and understand its influence on a person’s life. U2 has influenced me. I can’t believe I saw U2 last night.