Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Epiphanies

I’ve been gone awhile. Life happened.

This past month has been full of incredible experiences, growing, and reflecting. I have learned more about myself in the past month than I have in 23 years of life. So want to know the things I’ve learned? Well, here goes nothing.

I trust Him.
I have learned the true meaning of “Patience is a virtue.”
Paying bills really isn’t fun.
It really doesn’t matter what I wear.
Living is way more important, and fun, than surviving.
If it doesn’t get done, then it doesn’t get done.
Writing is more than a hobby, it’s an obsession.
The way to my heart, food…and Nine West shoes.
Love happens.
DeVondre is actually really funny.
I can see Forever the Sickest Kids in Greensboro, get to bed at 1:30 a.m., get up at 5:00 a.m. to teach and not experience one ounce of exhaustion.
My age does not indicate anything about my maturity level.
Christmas music before Thanksgiving is incredibly annoying.
Being rewarded for being a teacher comes in more forms than just a paycheck.
People can surprise you, and sometimes, you don’t like the surprise.
I could have been a graphic designer.
Letting go is so hard.
I wish I was back in school.
I need to read more.
Music takes me to a place I can’t even describe.
My family will love me, no matter what.
I have a really hard time being open with people, still.
Friends are the greatest gift in my life.
I like my handwriting.
I still laugh every day.
Talking is one of my many talents.
I have perfected the art of running and reading at the same time.
Time is the best gift.
The ugly stuff is good to share, and then it’s not so ugly anymore.

Just a few of the little epiphanies I had this month. Hopefully you won’t have to wait another month to read something else from me.